MASkargo AMS Claim Handling Announcement

MASkargo AMS Claim Handling Announcement


Subject : Introducing E claim Services for our customers

Dear valued customer,

We are delighted to inform you that MASkargo has launched a customer portal for the handling of claims.

Our new customer portal will enable our customers to easily submit, track and follow up claims optimizing the communication flow between MASkargo and our customers.

 MASkargo E claim services will also allow you to handle claims more cost effectively and will increase the speed and quality of the claim and service recovery leading to increased satisfaction of all our business partners.

 For future submission of claims please visit http://maskargo.cargoclaims.aero

  MASkargo OAG announcement image











With kind regards,
Keesjan de Vries | Regional Manager Cargo

Direct: +31 20 659 02 20
E-mail : keesjan.devries@malaysiaairlines.com



Orginal message posted on Inforwarding 
Website : http://inforwarding.oagcargo.com/index/display/id/54776

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