Wallenborn joins Trucking CDM “Increasing the speed of the air cargo product”

Wallenborn joins Trucking CDM “Increasing the speed of the air cargo product”

Since the beginning of the year, the implementation of the Trucking CDM platform has taken flight. Students of the InHolland University of Applied Sciences have conducted research into the platform, a film has been made about it, and several players from the air cargo industry have
recognised its advantages and joined as users. Cargo Magazine spoke about the recent developments with Giovanni Douven, Project Manager and Research Fellow at InHolland, Dennis Smit, Manager at Wallenborn Schiphol, and Raoul Paul, Managing Director of CargoHub.

Mr Douven tells, “Our students have analysed the current situation regarding the flows in both information and goods in the air cargo sector. They have done research at several parties involved with the Trucking CDM platform, namely Wallenborn, Menzies, Airbridge Cargo, dnata, and Fast Forward Freight. They also outlined the desired situation concerning these subjects. By comparing the existing and the desired situation, the  differences between the two could be pinpointed. Based on this analysis, they provided insight into how these differences can be bridged. The students listened carefully to stakeholders. CargoHub, in turn, heeded the students’ conclusions and used the outcome of the studies in the further development of the platform.

Excellent progress
“Since January this year, Mr Smit states, “we have made excellent progress. Data that first needed to be put into the Trucking CDM platform by hand is now automatically uploaded from the Transport Management System. We are taking baby steps, but moving forward in great leaps.

Read the full article in Cargo Magazine 2020 Summer online edition [here]

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